Kadhi Pakora Recipe

Kadhi Pakora Recipe 

Kadhi Pakora is a popular North Indian dish that consists of deep-fried fritters made from gram flour (besan) which are then simmered in a yogurt-based gravy. It is a delicious and satisfying comfort food, perfect for cool evenings or lazy weekends.

The recipe for Kadhi Pakora can vary slightly depending on the region and personal preferences, but generally, it involves making two components: the pakoras (fritters) and the kadhi (yogurt gravy).

For the pakoras, you will need to mix together besan with spices such as cumin powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder, red chili powder along with salt to taste. Add water slowly until you get a thick batter consistency. You can also add chopped onions or other vegetables like spinach to the batter if desired. Drop spoonfuls of batter into hot oil and fry until golden brown.

Next comes the kadhi - whisk together yogurt with besan until smooth. Heat oil in a pan over medium heat; add cumin seeds and let them sizzle before adding ginger-garlic paste followed by finely chopped onions till they turn golden-brown in color. Add some dry spices like coriander-cumin powder(garam masala), turmeric, red chili flakes(optional). Now pour in the yogurt mixture while stirring constantly to avoid any lumps formation. Add water according to your desired consistency & bring it to boil on low flame continuously stirring so that there is no curdling.

Once it starts simmering gently place all fried pakoras into it one by one & leave it on low flame for another 10-12 minutes giving time for all flavors come together well.

Finally garnish Kadhi Pakoda with fresh cilantro leaves & serve hot along steamed rice or chapatis!

Overall, Kadhi Pakora is quite easy to make at home once you have collected all ingredients required. Its unique combination of spicy and tangy flavors will surely leave you craving for it again and again.

Punjabi Kadhi Pakora Recipe 

Punjabi Kadhi Pakora is a delicious and popular dish from the northern region of India. It is made with yogurt, gram flour, spices, and pakoras (fritters) that are fried and added to the kadhi (yogurt-based curry). This dish has a tangy and sour taste with a creamy texture that makes it perfect to be served with steamed rice or chapatis.

The first step in making Punjabi Kadhi Pakora is to prepare the batter for the pakoras. The batter is made by mixing gram flour (besan), salt, red chili powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder, cumin powder and water until you get smooth consistency. Then you can add some chopped onions or other vegetables if desired.

Next step involves frying these fritters in hot oil till they turn golden brown and crispy. These pakoras give a crunchy texture when mixed into the warm kadhi.

After frying them separately transfer them onto paper towel so that any excess oil gets absorbed.

For preparing kadhi heat up some ghee or oil in a pot on medium flame then add fenugreek seeds followed by cumin seeds once they start sputtering add asafoetida,hing . Next goes ginger garlic paste which should be sauteed well before adding besan/gramflour mixture. Cook it for few minutes till slightly browned

Once all these ingredients are cooked properly together we pour whisked curd/yogurt mix into it.Add water as required.Turmeric ,red chilli powder,salt,cumin-coriander powders etc go next !!

Stir everything well making sure there aren't any lumps.The curry needs to simmer on low heat while being stirred occasionally for about 20-30 minutes so that it thickens up nicely.Once done add freshly squeezed lemon juice,give everything one last stir..

Finally drop those crispy pakoras into the kadhi and let them soak in it for about 10 minutes so that they absorb all the flavors of the curry.

Your Punjabi Kadhi Pakora is now ready to be served hot with steamed rice or chapatis. It's a perfect comfort food that can be enjoyed on any occasion, whether you're having guests over or just want to indulge in something delicious.

Kadhi Pakora Recipe Pakistani

 Kadhi Pakora is a popular dish in Pakistani cuisine, and it is loved for its unique flavor and texture. This traditional recipe consists of fried pakoras or dumplings made with gram flour that are cooked in a tangy yogurt-based gravy. The dish is typically served with rice or roti and garnished with fresh coriander leaves.

The first step to making Kadhi Pakora is to prepare the pakoras. To do this, you will need gram flour (also known as besan), sliced onions, chopped green chilies, salt, red chili powder, cumin seeds and some water. Mix all the ingredients together to form a thick batter, then heat oil in a deep frying pan or wok until hot enough for frying.

Take small portions of the batter using your fingers or a spoon and drop them carefully into the hot oil one by one. Fry until they become golden brown on both sides before removing them from the oil using a slotted spoon.

Now it's time to make the kadhi base. In another cooking pot add yogurt full cream 1 kg , besan 3 tablespoon , turmeric powder 1 teaspoon , salt according to taste . Add water slowly while stirring continuously so that no lumps are formed in mixture .

Heat some more oil in another pan over medium heat; add mustard seeds,cumin seeds,fenugreek seeds,bay leaf,dried red chillies,Curry Leaves,Sliced onion,Finely Chopped Garlic & Ginger.Saute till onion becomes translucent.Add Crushed Tomatoes & cook for few minutes.Now pour prepared kadhi mixture into tomato gravy.Cook on low flame till bubbles start appearing at top.Turn off stove after five minutes.Do not stir during cooking process

Finally add fried pakoras into kadhi when ready to serve.The pakoras should be added only moments before serving so that they remain crispy.

Garnish Kadhi Pakora with fresh coriander leaves and serve hot with rice or roti.

Kadhi Pakora is a delicious and comforting dish that is perfect for any occasion, whether it’s a family dinner or a special event. Its unique blend of spices and flavors make it stand out from other traditional Pakistani dishes, making it a must-try recipe for anyone who loves exploring new cuisines. Enjoy!

Kadhi Pakora Recipe In Hindi 

कढ़ी पकोड़ा रेसिपी

कढ़ी पकोड़ा एक लोकप्रिय उत्तर भारतीय व्यंजन है जिसमें बेसन (बेसन) से बने गहरे तले हुए पकोड़े होते हैं, जिन्हें बाद में दही-आधारित ग्रेवी में उबाला जाता है। यह एक स्वादिष्ट और संतोषजनक आरामदायक भोजन है, जो ठंडी शाम या आलसी सप्ताहांत के लिए एकदम सही है।

कढ़ी पकोड़ा के लिए नुस्खा क्षेत्र और व्यक्तिगत वरीयताओं के आधार पर थोड़ा भिन्न हो सकता है, लेकिन आम तौर पर, इसमें दो घटक होते हैं: पकोड़े (पकौड़े) और कढ़ी (दही की ग्रेवी)।

पकौड़े बनाने के लिए आपको बेसन में जीरा पाउडर, धनिया पाउडर, हल्दी पाउडर, लाल मिर्च पाउडर और स्वादानुसार नमक मिलाना होगा। जब तक आपको गाढ़ा बैटर कंसिस्टेंसी न मिल जाए तब तक धीरे-धीरे पानी डालें। आप चाहें तो बैटर में कटा हुआ प्याज या पालक जैसी अन्य सब्जियां भी मिला सकते हैं। गरम तेल में एक चम्मच बैटर डालें और सुनहरा भूरा होने तक तलें।

इसके बाद कढ़ी आती है - दही को बेसन के साथ मिलाकर चिकना होने तक फेंटें। मध्यम आँच पर एक पैन में तेल गरम करें; जीरा डालें और अदरक-लहसुन का पेस्ट डालने से पहले उन्हें भूनने दें और उसके बाद बारीक कटा हुआ प्याज सुनहरा-भूरा होने तक भूनें। धनिया-जीरा पाउडर (गरम मसाला), हल्दी, लाल मिर्च के गुच्छे (वैकल्पिक) जैसे कुछ सूखे मसाले डालें। अब दही के मिश्रण को लगातार चलाते हुए डालें ताकि कोई गांठ न बने। अपनी पसंद के अनुसार पानी डालें और इसे धीमी आंच पर लगातार चलाते हुए उबालने के लिए रखें ताकि कोई दही न बने।

उबाल आने पर इसमें सारे तले हुए पकोड़े एक-एक करके डाल दीजिए और धीमी आंच पर 10-12 मिनिट के लिए छोड़ दीजिए ताकि सभी फ्लेवर अच्छी तरह से एक साथ आ जाएं.

अंत में कढ़ी पकोड़े को ताज़े सीताफल के पत्तों से गार्निश करें और उबले हुए चावल या चपातियों के साथ गरमागरम परोसें!

कुल मिलाकर, कढ़ी पकोड़ा घर पर बनाना काफी आसान है जब आप सभी आवश्यक सामग्री एकत्र कर लेते हैं। मसालेदार और तीखे स्वाद का इसका अनूठा संयोजन निश्चित रूप से आपको बार-बार इसके लिए तरसेगा।

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